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The Real Reason Journaling Can Transform Your Life

You’ve heard it all before…

“Journaling is so powerful!”

“Journaling is fun”

“Journaling can help you manage stress”

“Journaling is like free therapy”

“Journaling is a great way to get clear and focused”

And yes, all of that, and more, is true about journaling. 

But are you doing it? No? Then you must not be convinced yet that journaling is an absolute must for you. And it is a must for you. That is, if you are  interested in realizing and actualizing your potential, enjoying strong and healthy relationships, living out your dreams, deepening your sense of self, and being madly in love with life. If that sounds like what you’re after, then read on!

How Journaling Can Transform Your Life

Journaling is like a magic portal. When practiced regularly, it serves as a vehicle that transports you to another world. A neglected world full of beautiful and magical images, realities, and gifts that are meant just for you to discover and benefit from. You travel there to receive helpful messages that inform, encourage, and guide you. You unearth the resources you need to create a beautiful life filled with meaning, adventure, rich connections, and a deep inner peace. What is this world that you get to explore and discover endless marvelous treasures in that has long been neglected, undervalued, and invisible to you? This world is your inner world

"I feel that there is an evacuation of interiority going on in our times and that we need to draw back inside ourselves and that we’ll find immense resources there."   ~ John O'Donohue 

That’s right- within you exists a world waiting to be explored, nurtured, and excavated. I recommend venturing there daily, but weekly or even a couple of times a month can be significantly life-enhancing. Why? Because the more familiar and intimate you become with yourself; the deeper your self-understanding, the easier it will be for you to make the right decisions for your life and handle any struggles that you face.  

You spend most of your life focused on the external world that is made up of your home, job, family, social life, image, hobbies, adventures, to-do’s, etc. When focus is exclusively placed on the external world and isn’t given to the conditions within, even when everything seems great on the outside, it can feel like something is off. You can still feel empty, unfulfilled, and uneasy. Something is missing but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You might feel like something is wrong with you, or you may feel guilty about not feeling satisfied when everything seems to be going quite well. 

This happens when you buy into the belief that you will be internally satisfied when things on the outside are a certain way. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Nothing that you acquire or achieve “out there” can satisfy your internal needs.

Journaling is a powerful way to return home to yourself each and every day (or weekly or monthly), and nurture your inner life. Having a rich inner life is the foundation of having a rich and fulfilling outer life. One that is consciously created by the deeper part of you that knows exactly what it needs and desires. That part of you that always knows exactly what to do.

How Journaling Transformed My Life

I was a teenager when I first began my journaling practice. I had no idea at the time that it would be the most significant tool in my life that would help me overcome severe self-esteem issues, make decisions that would shape my life experience profoundly, and realize things about myself that gave me the courage and wisdom to pursue my dreams and have epic adventures that eventually lead me to the people, places, and achievements I am most grateful for and proud of today. Journaling was how I came into a deep, intimate self-loving and trusting relationship with myself. That relationship with myself, I’ve learned, is the foundation of a life well-lived.

Journaling has also, much to my surprise, been a very comforting practice during the loneliest times of my life. When I journal I feel as though I am being companioned by my deeper self, my soul. This inner companion is always present, ready and willing to engage with me and to support and guide me. You have an inner companion within yourself as well. A deep, loving soul presence that is you but also feels somehow separate and parental. You can trust in it. You can turn to it. You can ask things of it. You can connect with it and be nurtured by it. Anyplace, and anytime. 

When nurturing and developing your relationship with yourself through journaling, it’s important to exercise patience and remember that growing relationships and creating intimacy takes time- even with yourself! It is a process. A truly worthwhile one that is deeply rewarding if you commit to it wholly. Creating a good relationship with yourself takes work. Communication, presence, consistency, and compassion are all required. If you can approach your relationship with yourself the way you would one with another person, and show up for it fully, the magic will happen.  I promise. 

But don’t take my word for it!  Give it a go. Begin your own daily journaling practice and see for yourself the wonders that await you as you enter and explore the inner landscape of your own being. To get started, sign up for my Questions for the Soul weekly newsletter, and receive a journaling prompt every weekend that is meant to get you in touch with your deeper self and enhance your self-understanding. 

Happy Journaling!

Go deep. Own your life.
