4 Rules for Owning the Heck Out of the Day

4 Rules for Owning the Heck Out of the Day

Days come and days go. I mean, let's face it- time just flies on by. With the arrival of each new day there's a starting point that is all your own, and that starting point is determined by how you tackle the days that precede it. Are you slowly progressing toward your goals and dreams from one day to the next, or are you progressing in leaps and bounds?

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The 5-Minute Morning Routine That Will Change Everything

The 5-Minute Morning Routine That Will Change Everything

Is it important to have a morning routine? Well that depends: do you want to have the most successful day possible?  How you start each day has a tremendous impact on how successfully your entire day goes. From your mood to your mode, to how much energy you have, to how creative & productive you are, a morning routine sets the tone for your entire day- and, cumulatively, for your entire life. 

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