Self-Love vs. Self-Care: What's the difference? (hint: it's huge!)

Self-Love vs. Self-Care: What's the difference? (hint: it's huge!)

Self-love is a hot topic these days. And for good reason! Our relationship without ourselves, how loving it is, impacts absolutely every area of our lives.

But there’s one very big problem I see all the time with regard to self-love- it’s not really understood.

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4 Simple Habits That Make a HUGE Impact on Success & Happiness

4 Simple Habits That Make a HUGE Impact on Success & Happiness

When I work with my clients on achieving goals, they are often astonished by how much we will break a single goal down into several micro steps that individually do not seem to add up to much, but collectively ensure progress and ultimately success. The same is true for daily habits. When performed once or occasionally they don't lead to very many big outcomes. But done consistently, however- well, prepare to rock this life, my friends.

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The 3 Levels of Self-Acceptance

The 3 Levels of Self-Acceptance

"Without self-acceptance, self-esteem is impossible" writes Dr. Nathaniel Branden in The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem.

What is self-esteem and why does it matter? Self-esteem is the way in which one experiences themselves.  A person with healthy self-esteem experiences themselves as capable of handling life's basic challenges and as being worthy of love and happiness.  A person with unhealthy self-esteem experiences themselves as being incapable of handling life's difficulties and as being unworthy of joy and love. 

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How to Communicate Your Needs in a New Relationship

How to Communicate Your Needs in a New Relationship

I’ve seen it happen time and time again- the fear of rocking the boat and disrupting the perfect harmony at the start of a relationship means you keep quiet and don’t express how you really feel or ask for what you need.

As time goes on, this obviously causes a disconnect- your partner thinks everything is going fine and you have a growing frustration developing inside due to unmet needs and unexpressed feelings. Sound familiar? Don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all done it. But at some point it’s important to realize the following  things, and vow not to keep repeating this pattern anymore...

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